Now before the grumblings about how far it is and all that start, hear us out. I have compiled a list of reasons why we are having it at Comet. 1) These last few weeks have been full of repetition. The fire alarm going off again (that was sooooo first week) and then there was that giant ass rainstorm (way to copy the hurricane). BUT Bar Review has never been held at Comet, so repetition no more. Well, I don’t really know that it hasn't I just like to make bold statements without any credible evidence. It is what I do. 2) The members of IP Brief are musically inclined and have decided to serenade us drunken revelers at some point during the evening with live music. I am putting out my request for a cover of Ke$ha now. Make it happen IP Brief. And 3) drunk ping-pong. That needs no explanation.
So come, drink, ping your pong.
Your Bar Review Committee
Comet Ping Pong
5037 Connecticut Ave. NW
$4 Lost Rhino Pilsner
$5 Rail Drinks
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